Friday, December 28, 2012


During the Spring 2013 semester, I will be studying abroad at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
I leave in four days.


I am anxious and very excited about this opportunity, as I fully expect it to be the most challenging, yet rewarding, experience of my life to date.

Before I begin crafting fantastic tales of Galway and exploring Europe and doing cliche things like kissing the Blarney Stone or instagramming the Cliffs of Moher, I'd like to provide a disclaimer to my estimated 7-12 person audience:

I've always seen that writing a study abroad blog is a tricky, delicate balancing act between:

A) Raving about outrageous times, and
B) keeping things PG enough so Mom & Dad can sleep at night, knowing that their son/daughter is having a truly educational experience.

With this in mind, understand that I am writing these entries for myself as a way to remember this once in a lifetime experience 2, 5, 10 years from now.  I will discuss school as well as fun, include my successes and failures, the unforgettable moments and yes, the anticipated trainwrecks.  I've made a promise to myself to be as brutally honest as I possibly can, because at the end of the day I want to remember this experience for exactly what it was.

So please read, comment, laugh at, and most of all enjoy this blog.  I will attempt to update it as regularly as I can.

I absolutely cannot wait for what the next few months have in store.

You'll hear from me on the other side.


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